My thermostat is online, but shows offline, or doesn't respond to app changes?
Last updated
Errors or inconsistencies between the thermostat and the mobile device typically indicate a poor connection path between the thermostat and Honeywell Home or Total Connect Comfort cloud / services.
These can be caused by:
Maintenance to Honeywell Home or Total Connect Comfort cloud / services
Firmware / Software changes made to the mobile device operating system (OS or IOS)
Firmware / Software updates to networking equipment (router, modem, etc.)
Changes / updates to Internet Service Provider equipment. It is important to update your Resideo App and mobile phone OS or IOS to the latest version.
The Resideo App can be updated via the App store / Google Play store, or can be deleted and re-installed. (Deleting the mobile app does not delete or alter your account or devices in any way)
OS or IOS updates can be applied in the "Settings" function on your mobile phone. Maintenance periods or "windows" typically occur over-night for the region the device or service is supported. The Honeywell Home or Total Connect Comfort app will notify users with a "Maintenance" pop-up during these events.
Firmware / Software updates typically occur automatically as needed for all connected devices and equipment. For assistance updating your devices or equipment, we recommend contacting the equipment manufacturer support, your network support, or Internet Service provider support.
In extreme cases, an alternate network or WiFi hotspot can be temporarily set up to connect and register your Honeywell Home or Total Connect Comfort Device. Once connected and registered, the device will download any required updates, and after a small window (typically 1-2 hours) can be reconnected to the desired Home WiFi network.
*Firmware updates can be seen in new firmware / software versions displayed in the menu of your thermostat, and may result in a "reboot" of the thermostat (no settings or configurations are impacted by this reboot).
If the device still appears to be offline, or does not respond to changes made in the mobile app, assistance from the network equipment manufacturer support, your network support, or Internet Service provider support may be required, in addition to support from Resideo.
Contact a local professional partner.
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