What do I do if my home WiFi network in the Lyric app does not connect successfully?
Last updated
If your home WiFi network is visible in the Lyric app and you have provided the correct WiFi network information, but your thermostat has not connected to your in-home WiFi, you may need to troubleshoot your WiFi network. First, confirm that your router is using a supported security standard. Lyric works with the following security standards:
Second, confirm that your WiFi network is compatible. All Honeywell WiFi thermostats, including the Lyric thermostat, are compatible with the 2.4 GHz B, G and Mixed WiFi networks. Third, some routers are incompatible with the Lyric thermostat's low-power features. To see a list of compatible routers, visit here. Note that this is not an exhaustive list of compatible routers.
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