How do I delete that thermostat from my Lyric app?
Last updated
If you’ve moved and left your thermostat at your previous residence, you may want to delete your thermostat from the location. To delete a thermostat, go to the Lyric app home screen and tap the three-line menu icon in the upper left hand corner. Select the gear icon for the location of the thermostat you'd like to remove. Tap "Thermostats," then the name of the thermostat you would like to remove. At the bottom of this options screen, you will see an option to delete the thermostat from your Lyric app. If you would like to remove a location (all the thermostats at one street address) from your Lyric app, go to the Lyric app home screen and tap the three-line menu icon in the upper left hand corner. Select the location you'd like to update. Tap "Location Details," then "Delete Location." Note that this only removes the location from your app; other users will still have access to it. To completely delete a location, you will need to remove all users from the location and then delete the location from your app.
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