Why is my thermostat showing up as offline?
Last updated
If you are unable to complete the setup/connection/registration process, or if your thermostat frequently loses WiFi connection, attempt the following before reconnecting:
Power cycle the thermostat by removing it from the wall for 30 seconds. Reattach the face plate.
Turn off mobile/ cellular data on your mobile device and connect to your home WiFi network. “Forget” any other WiFi networks in range. (Turning on Airplane mode is also an option)
Some Android phones have an updated security feature that may not allow your phone to connect to “unsecured” WiFi networks. Temporarily disable this feature via Settings – Network & Internet – WiFi – WiFi Preferences on your mobile device.
Attempt to connect and register the thermostat to a mobile hotspot. This allows the registration data to bypass any network security that may be causing the connection failure. Once successfully registered, a WiFi Reset can be performed to move the thermostat to the home WiFi network.
Advanced Steps:
If you experience inability to connect, failure to register, or frequent WiFi signal loss, verify the following:
*You may need assistance from your Internet Service Provider to verify/ change some settings*
- Setup a 2.4GHz Bandwidth Only network with separate SSID (Not compatible with 5GHz networks. Simultaneous 2.4 and 5GHz networks that share a name or SSID are not recommended and can cause thermostat to lose connectivity). * The T9/T10 thermostats are capable of communicating on a 5Ghz WiFi network – all other models currently only operate on the 2.4GHz bandwidth*
- Connect directly to the router signal – Not recommended for use with signal booster, satellites, or extenders.
- Business Networks (Enterprise networks, guest networks, or networks that require logging in via a web page/portal) are not supported.
- Gateways or Network switches can block some traffic to Honeywell / Resideo and are not supported.
- Recommended WPA2-AES Network Security Protocol
- DHCP Enabled – Static networks not supported
- UPnP / P2P Enabled
- Band-Steering Disabled
*"Not Supported" refers to network configurations that may be compatible, but cannot be successfully supported by Resideo Customer Care. "Incompatible" refers to networks / configurations that the thermostat is incapable of communicating with.*
For more information, please watch this instructional video:
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