How do I set up geofencing with my Lyric?
Last updated
If you are installing and configuring your Lyric for the first time, your app will walk through a step-by-step guide as the final chapter of installation. This occurs after you've powered on your Lyric thermostat, configured the HVAC settings and connected your thermostat to your home's WiFi network.
First, you'll want to be as close as possible to the thermostat. The geofence will be drawn around the current location of your smartphone. Lyric will temporarily turn on your phone's GPS to determine the precise location of your thermostat.
NOTE, the GPS receiver in your phone is exclusively used during this configuration step. The geofencing feature does not require a GPS signal and won't have a noticeable impact on your battery life.
NOTE: if your thermostat is installed in the basement or interior of your home, you may want to step toward a window to assure your phone is able to determine its location.
You'll see a map of your neighborhood, with a blue dot at the center representing your current location. The blue circle represents the current size of your geofence. When you leave the circle, The Shortcut with the default name of "I'm Leaving Home" will change your thermostat's setpoint to your preferred "Away" temperature. When you cross from the outside to the inside of the geofence boundary, the Shortcut with the default name of "When I Arrive" will change your thermostat's setpoint to your preferred "Home" temperature.
To set your geofence size, drag the black dot on the blue circle (your geofence boundary) in or out until it's at your preferred distance. You can think of the dotted black line between your home and your geofence as the balance between comfort (closest to the black dot) and savings (closest to the blue dot). You can always come back and adjust the size of your geofence at any time.
When your geofence is where you'd like it, tap Save.
For more information, please watch this instructional video:
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