How do I setup my T5, T5+, or T6 Pro WiFi for my home?
Last updated
*When configuring your thermostat, it is important to configure it correctly for your system type. Incorrectly configuring your thermostat can lead to inefficient operation and in extreme cases, damage to your system*
When first installed, the thermostat can be configured from the Main Screen or via the setup and connection with the Resideo App. The thermostat can be reconfigured any time via the Installer Setup. Use the link below for the complete Installer Setup.
Once powered, the thermostat will display “START SETUP” Touch the screen to continue.
You will next be prompted to setup the thermostat with or without the mobile app. Select NO to continue setup without using the Resideo App. Select YES to continue setup using the Resideo App. (Setup and Configuration using the Resideo App can be found under the WiFi and Connectivity support article)
Setup without the Resideo App:
Use the < and > buttons to navigate the menu. Touch EDIT to modify each setting. When Finish Setup is displayed, Touch SELECT to save the settings.
After Saving the configuration settings, you will be prompted to connect to WiFi. If you Opt out of connecting to WiFi, you will be prompted to enter the time and date. You will then be able to operate your thermostat manually.
Reconfiguring your thermostat:
At any time, the configuration of your thermostat can be modified from the Installer Setup Menu.
Touch and hold the MENU button on the thermostat display. When DEVICE SETUP is displayed, touch SELECT. Use the < and > buttons to navigate the menu. Touch EDIT to modify each setting. When Finish Setup is displayed, Touch SELECT to save the settings.
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