How do I find my thermostat’s CRC / MAC ID, Date Code, Model Number, or Serial Number?

Last updated

To find your thermostat’s Cross-Reference Code (CRC)/Media Access Control (MAC) ID, Date Code, or Model/Serial Number are in different locations.

What are you looking for?

  • CRC/MAC ID – These are used to register your thermostat with an app for remote access. Keep in mind that some devices may only use a MAC ID. For most thermostats, the CRC and MAC ID are located on the back of the detachable face plate. For RedLINK products, they are located on the RedLINK Internet Gateway.
  • DATE CODE – This describes the date the thermostat was built. For most thermostats, the Date Code is a four-digit code located on the back of the detachable face plate.
  • MODEL/SERIAL NUMBER – This describes your thermostat type. For most thermostats, the Model Number is located on the back of the detachable face plate. You can also find this on your product packaging, as well as included literature. If you’re registering a warranty or rebate for a WiFi product, use the MAC ID as your Serial Number.
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