How do I connect my WiFi 9000 Color Touchscreen Thermostat to WiFi and register it?
Last updated
Connecting your thermostat to WiFi can be performed during the initial setup and configuration, or later at a time you choose.
Connecting to WiFi – Initial Setup:
After the Configuration step during the initial install, you will be prompted to connect your Smart WiFi 9000 to your Home WiFi.
The Smart WiFi 9000 uses a 2-step connection and registration process
Step 1 – Connect the thermostat to your home WiFi (Setup on thermostat display)
Step 2 – Register your thermostat. (Performed in the My Total Connect Comfort web portal)
*Registration cannot be performed with the mobile app, currently only supported via the web portal*
Step 1 – Connecting the thermostat to your Home WiFi
Once installed and configured, the thermostat will prompt you to connect to WiFi.
Select your Home WiFi network name and touch CONNECT. (For hidden networks, touch the OTHER button to enter the network name / SSID manually)
Enter the password for your Home WiFi network. Touch NEXT
You will receive a “Success” message. Continue
Step 2 – Register your thermostat
Registration is completed at
Touch the “Add Device” icon and Input the MAC ID / CRC for your device. (MAC ID / CRC are located on your thermostat information card, on the back of the thermostat, or from the Menu > Equipment Status screen])
Complete the security check (if prompted) and follow the directions within the web portal to complete the registration.
Unable to Register:
If your device connects to WiFi, but fails to register, it may already be registered to another user. If known, contact the previous owner and ask that they delete the device from their account. If the previous owner is not known, contact resideo Customer Care to unregister your device. You will require the MAC ID (located on the back of your product) to complete the un-registration process.
Trouble Connecting?
If you experience inability to connect, failure to register, or frequent WiFi signal loss, verify the following:
*You may need assistance from your Internet Service Provider to verify/ change some settings*
- Are you connecting to a 2.4GHz bandwidth Network (Simultaneous 2.4/5GHz networks that experience connectivity failure may require a separate dedicated 2.4 network to be configured)?
- Connect directly to the router signal – Not recommended for use with signal booster, satellites, or extenders
- Recommended WPA2-AES Network Security Protocol
- DHCP Enabled (Static networks not supported)
- UPnP / P2P Enabled
- Band-Steering Disabled
- The following are not supported:
Business Networks (Enterprise networks, guest networks, or networks that require logging in via a web page/portal) are not supported
Gateways or Network switches can block some traffic to Resideo and are not supported.
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