How do I change from Fahrenheit to Celsius? (or Celsius to Fahrenheit)
Last updated
To change the temperature display from Fahrenheit to Celsius (or Celsius to Fahrenheit), please follow these instructions, depending on your thermostat family model.
1000 to 6000 family models
You can change the temperature display by accessing function 14 in the system settings and switching to 1 or 0.
To learn how you can access function 14 on your system settings, please click on one of the links below, depending on your thermostat family model, and follow the instructions:
8000 family
Select function 320 and switch to 1 or 0. To learn how to access this function on your system settings, please click here.
Please click here and follow the instructions.
9000 family
Please click here and follow the instructions.
Lyric T5&T6
Please click here and follow the instructions.
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