Can I use my dishwasher to wash the cells for my Electronic Air Cleaner?
Last updated
Yes. Just follow these steps:
1. Check your dishwasher owner's manual in case the manufacturer doesn't recommend washing electronic cells.
2. Position the cells in the dishwasher for good water circulation and drainage.
3. Be careful to avoid damaging the cells when placing them in the dishwasher. Broken ionizer wire and bent collector plates are not covered under the product warranty.
4. Cells that are very dirty, especially from tobacco and cooking smoke, can discolor the plastic part and lining of the dishwasher. This is not harmful. To minimize the discoloration, wash the cells more frequently or try a different brand of dishwasher detergent.
5. Do not allow the dishwasher to run through the dry cycle because any contaminants not removed during the wash will be baked on, reducing the air cleaner's efficiency.
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