What if my HE220 or HE225 Humidifier is not delivering enough humidification?
Last updated
There are a variety of factors that can affect the level of humidification that can be achieved. The first consideration must be to proper sizing of the humidifier. Please verify that the Humidifier either the HE220 or the HE225 fits your home’s size and how tightly constructed your home is. House construction and the maximum area the (HE220/HE225) can adequately humidify: Loose - 750 Square Feet Average - 1500 Square Feet Tight- 3000 Square Feet Please also verify that there are no mineral deposits on the humidifier pad. Accumulations of mineral deposits on the humidifier pad can affect the ability of the pad to hold water. Change the humidifier pad if necessary. Please be aware that colder outdoor temperatures limit the amount of humidity that can be added to your home without resulting in condensation on the windows. The more the heat runs the more that this will dry out the air passing through a furnace or a heat pump application. If after considering the above factors, you still feel that you are not achieving adequate humidity levels in your home, please consult your local heating and cooling contractor.
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